
Simulation systems provides virtual environments for military training and drills in all branches and fields including infantry, air force, air defense, navy, land vehicles, and electronic warfare, and also for civil applications in education, technical training and commerce.

The Modelling and Simulation Center at Viettel Hi Tech researches, designs, develops, manufactures and tests a wide variety of simulation related products for both military and civil uses, applying all kinds of modern technologies such as dynamics simulations, robotics and automatic controls, extended reality technologies, AI technologies, etc. The products are of high quality with fully mastered core technologies, characterized by reasonable prices, responsive customer support system, readiness for updates and expansions, and professionally catered to customer requirements. Self-researched and developed core technologies for these high tech products include:
-    3 DOF to 6 DOF motion bases
-    High efficient image generator
-    Combat modelling with computer generated forces
-    Accurate flight dynamics models
-    3D reconstruction with AI/ML
and many more to come in the future.

Virtual Sand Table System 4.0

Virtual Sand Table System 4.0 supports tactical planning in accordance with determined combat plans on 2D / 3D digital maps, and supports report and presentation combined with sound, images and documents, in order to show the situations of enemies and allies, intention and operational plan of the commander. The system is in service of tactical training, tactical maneuvers...

VOTO Driving training simulation system

The driving training simulation system is a safe, economical and effective digital solution for automobile driving training.

Viettel Firearms Training Simulation System

The Viettel Firearms Training Simulation System is an integrated solution designed to address both basic and advanced firearms training, from technique refinement to tactical decision-making, in a safe and controllable virtual environment.