Discover the training course for VHT managers
Month 07,  02/2019

Discover the training course for VHT managers

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According to a study by the international organization MSW on 1500 employees (same industry, in different countries) to evaluate the cohesion in the workplace. Research shows that the relationship between employees and direct managers is the most influential factor on employee engagement.
Bringing knowledge and love to Children in remote areas
Month 07,  25/2024

Bringing knowledge and love to Children in remote areas

Last weekend, Viettel High Technology Industries Corporation (VHT) donated 2 bookshelves with 100 STEM books to two mountainous schools, Chieu Yen Primary School and Chan Son Secondary School, in Yen Son district, Tuyen Quang province.
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Heartwarming series of "Gratitude" activities by VHT on July 27
Month 07,  23/2024

Heartwarming series of "Gratitude" activities by VHT on July 27

These activities are part of the annual "Gratitude" series organized by VHT. They are meant to honor the generations who sacrificed for the cause of national defense, while also contributing to the expression of the moral principle "When drinking water, remember its source," spreading the good traditional values within the community.
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