
DSA 2024: Viettel Announces Second Commercial Contract for Private 5G in India

Month 05,  08/2024

Viettel High Technology Industry Corporation (Viettel High Tech) has inked another significant commercial contract to deliver a Private 5G System in the Indian market. This milestone was achieved during the prestigious 2024 Defence Service Asia (DSA) and National Security Asia (NATSEC) 2024, held in Malaysia from May 6-9. United Telecoms Limited (UTL Group), a distinguished telecommunications corporation in India, with extensive expertise and the capability to research, manufacture, and deploy communication products, has joined forces with Viettel as their partner. Notably, UTL Group commands a substantial 70% of the market share of the national transmission network in India.


The signing of this contract serves as a testament to the competitiveness of Viettel High Tech products in the Indian market, which is known for its intense competition on a global scale. Furthermore, it establishes a gateway to tap into new customer segments, particularly government clients, by leveraging UTL’s existing customer network. UTL presently operates in more than 60 countries and territories across various domains, including telecommunications, IT, R&D, and e-Government..etc...They hold a pioneering position in delivering mobile services in India and are recognized as the leader in utilizing technology to establish a digital government in the country. 

Dr. Raja Mohan Rao Potluri, Chairman of UTL Group, shared:“There is immense demand for 5G Private solutions in the Indian market, and we are committed to maintaining our leading position by delivering value to customers. Viettel offers a comprehensive 5G connectivity solution, while UTL will play a pivotal role in fostering collaboration and promoting product trade.” He highlighted Viettel's competitive edge lies in their collaborative approach, stating: “Viettel is prepared to engage in all aspects, ranging from technical support services to production, and even product research and development.”

UTL and Viettel High Tech engaged in discussions regarding the forthcoming steps of the contract, focusing on the development of essential features for both 5G Private and Public Networks. The growing demand presents a promising opportunity for UTL and Viettel to showcase their services and products. Particularly, Viettel's strength lies in offering a comprehensive 5G System equipped with all three network layers: radio access (5G base station), IP transport network, and 5GC core network.

Mr. Nguyen Vu Ha, General Director of Viettel High Tech, emphasized:“With our position as the leading supplier of telecoms equipment in Vietnam, Viettel High Tech has the capability to deliver complete 5G solutions as well as wealth of experience and a proven track record in implementing large-scale telecoms projects. Viettel High Tech possesses the flexibility to tailor our solutions to meet customer requirements and leveraging our core technological expertise, we are fully prepared to embark on new international projects.”

Viettel is set to deliver the 5GP system to UTL Group within a remarkably short period of just 3 months, ensuring a seamless transfer process that can take place anytime and anywhere. The primary objective of Viettel is to swiftly provide a comprehensive solution, enabling UTL to seize market opportunities promptly and deliver services to customers in India and neighboring countries.

Previously, Viettel took the lead in deploying the first complete 5G Private network in India, successfully handing it over to partners in December 2023, a mere 5 months after signing the service provision contract. Presently, this 5G Private system operates smoothly, fully meeting all requirements, and plays a pivotal role in driving the adoption of 5G products among enterprise customers.

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