
Solving almost all communication problems in military and civil fields to ensure accurate, fast and reliable communication.

Viettel’s communication products are fully compatible with US military communication standards and NATO standards. The products are of high quality, fully mastered in core technologies, features and specifications, capable of being customized to meet customer requirements and at reasonable prices.

Viettel masters core technologies such as: SDR technology; artificial intelligence (deep learning, deep reinforcement learning..) ; high-speed broadband adaptive communication technologies (hundreds of Mbps to Gbps); long-range communication technologies (up to thousands of kilometers away); cognitive radio technology (a new generation adaptive communication technology that allows access to increasingly narrow bandwidth while the number of devices accessing bandwidth is increasing); high-frequency hardware technologies (to GHz) with broadband processing hardware system (tens of MHz).

Viettel has also developed the latest technologies to make the product resistant to electronic warfare such as: high-speed adaptive frequency hopping (thousands of frequency hops/second); communication waveforms developed by Viettel with its own security features; advanced signal processing technologies (MIMO, OFDM, Turbo code, LDPC code...); multi-band adaptive modulation technologies; automatic link establishment technology ALE-3G (advance development to ALE-4G).

HF Transceiver

HF Transceiver is HF frequency-hopping Software Defined Radio, serving the strategic and campaign level communications, offering highly-reliable and secure voice and data communication with digital encryption and anti-electronic warfare, equipped for stations or installed on ships, vehicles and tanks.

Multiband Manpack Radio

Multiband Manpack Radio is a frequency-hopping Software Defined Radio, operating in both HF and VHF bands, serving the tactical and operational levels; offering highly - reliable voice and data communication with security encryptions and anti-electronic warfare; equipped for tactical, station or vehicle application.

Intercom System Tank

An internal communication system used on moving vehicles such as tanks, armored vehicles, warships, internal artillery.

VHF Tactical Radio

VHF Tactical Radio is a frequency-hopping microwave radio transceiver using SDR technology, serving the tactical level; being capable of voice communication, data transmission, security encryption, anti-electronic warfare, oriented to equip the army up to the level of Infantry and Tank and Armored Division and Brigade.

VHF Tactical Handheld Radio

VHF Tactical Handheld Radio is a VHF frequency-hopping microwave radio transceiver using SDR technology, serving the tactical level; Ability of voice communication, data transmission, secure encryption, anti-electronic warfare; Designed to be compact, oriented to equip ground forces (level of platoon leader, reconnaissance, commando).

High Capacity & Frequency Hopping Radio Relay

HCRR is a high-speed broadband frequency-hopping radio transmission device. HCR provides high-speed radio transmission paths connecting IP to IP and TDM to TDM where wired transmission paths are unable to be deployed or under extreme conditions (natural disaster, war) in need of quick deployment. The device can be mounted on a fixed station or on a mobile vehicle.

Personal Role Radio

Personal Role Radio is a personal communication radio operated in the UHF band, ensures the tactical level comunication; Ensured radio communications in squads and special forces in a narrow range.

Viettel Integrated Radio Communication System

Viettel Integrated Radio Communication System is a solution enabling the combination of different information network systems to ensure communication, coordination and monitoring of information covering a wide range; being capable of integrating radio modules of existing private networks of customers and radio equipment modules manufactured by Viettel, ensuring smooth connection and information.