
UAVs equipped with missiles and bombs to destroy and prevent enemy operations on the battlefield, and are recognized as a decisive factor in modern warfare.

UAV plays an important role in the development strategy of many countries around the world, UAV not only increases the strength of the national security system but also participates in the task of economic and technical development of each country. UAV carries many advanced technologies from aerospace, materials technology, propulsion technology, electronics, reconnaissance, intelligence, control and navigation sensors.

Viettel has researched, manufactured and supplied a combination of light unmanned aerial vehicles for military units. In the coming time, Viettel will continue to research and develop reconnaissance drones and attack drones with features comparable to advanced products throughout the world in order to suit the Army's training and combat readiness needs.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

As a type of vertical take-off / landing UAV, fully automatic, maneuverable, secretly deployed in narrow spaces, leaving little traces, being capable of collecting information, indicating targets and providing real-time reconnaissance data to ground command posts.